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Inner Balance is always the first  

About My Services

Prayer ministry refers to the goal and focus of the reading and my services which is to remove the blocks to the part of you that is already whole and perfect. This is a different intention and focus than fixing problems. Challenges in life reflect the blocks within us and are best attended to by removing the blocks so our Life Force can flow again freely. This reflects back to us as challenges in life dissolving and being replaced by happier circumstances.


Deep within us, beneath what is called the heart chakra, is a deeper chakra called the hrit chakra. The photo on the right is a picture of the hrit chakra which contains the Tree of Life.  The spark of Life, the Source of our life, is attempting to extend out from within us.  It is generally covered over with many layers of energy from experiences, traumas, beliefs and basically defenses which make us unaware of this Source within us.  It is in removing these blocks or veils that we experience pure happiness which is real and not dependent on what is going on in our daily life. Healing is uncovering the Tree of Life so it may grow into our real life.


Once we tap this river of life within us, our external world begins to change as a natural result. Our daily life extends from what is within us. True healing. is making a way for the Light within us to find its way out. The pains of our life are just communication letting us know that we are out of touch with our own inner Self.


Astrology is one tool I use to gain access to the inner life and open a way to access it. I begin with you to work through what is presenting itself in life, relationships, desires, finances, are all signposts as to where we are blocked from our own Inner Self. They are the layers covering our inner happiness.

The birth chart quickly reveals what you came into this lifetime to accomplish and the challenges you face in doing so. It also shows the most direct path to take to move through the challenges.


An astrology reading include an ayurvedic constitutional analysis which determines the plantes elements and doshas that rule the physical body and energy body. I suggest spiritual practices, energy medicines or herbs to balance the constitutions.


With each session I also offer free remote energy work. This is mostly shakti transmission,  such as diksha, or reiki, to open channels which present themselves as block in the reading. 


Keep in mind again the the core focus of the reading is spiritual awakening. Healing of the body mind and life challenges is an effect of spiritual awakening. We are spiritual beings, rediscovering who and what we truly are.


It is our birthright to be happy and that is our first responsibility in life, to be happy.


Aura Reading is a look at what is most prominent in your energy field at this moment. I can describe to you what I see and offer some means to balance what is there. This could be simple awareness, or yoga therapy or prayer or energy work or a task to fulfill. It is different in each case.  


Prayer Ministry is an intimate conversation in which we use no tools or therapies. We just invite God, that which Created us, whatever you call it,  to be with us.  You have the opportunity to speak from your heart and I will listen. As you allow yourself to be heard you have the opportunity to express the feelings and thoughts which are the blocks in your heart. 

We can have this conversation alone in meditation, but without a person ho will be with us with no judgement, it is very hard to let go of what we have stored within us. 

As you express what is going on in your life here is the opportunity to see the ways in which you block or stop your relationship with your God or Creator.  The goal is to heal this relationship. And finally to live as we were meant to, like the lilies of the field, they do not worry as they are cared for by Life itself. 


Charis Reiki is a form of energy work which extends and shares the energy of Grace. It is not an energy in which youNow we know it is time to surrender to the Source of Life itself and invite Grace. This Grace will come from within us, when we get out of the way. Most forms of energy work seem to transmit energy to you. Charis does not send energy to you and does not attempt to fix anything about you. It invites the light within you to come forward. It is fully Self empowering. All healing comes from the Source of life that resides in you. This energy work assists you in freeing your own Light within to come forward.


When Jesus raised Lazarus from his death, He said, Lazarus come forth. He was calling to the Light of God in Lazarus to wake up and see through the illusion of death. Lazarus for the rest of his life laughed when someone died. People did not understand this but because of his experience overcoming death, he knew there was nothing to grieve, and that the person who left their body behind was happy and well wherever they were. 


I call my work Lilies of the Field because we are told not to worry, but to receive from God all we need as do the lilies of the field. This is my endeavor in life, to be that child of God that trusts God will provide all and have no worries. To surrender to Grace. Charis is aramaic for Grace.


How I Can Assist You 

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